When you start the game, you receive an invitaton from Princess Peach to eat some cake while watching the stars. On the road to Peach´s castle you find one little and tiny Luma (the living stars that appeared in the first part). He is the young master of the Lumas. The little Luma gets calmed and decides to go with Mario. Everything looks good.
But Bowser will appear to kidnap Princess Peach. What a surprise, no? But the difference is that he is huge, enormous. You will have to follow him to rescue Princess Peach and all the Power Stars that Bowser has stolen.
We will talk about the Galaxies later.
To play this game you will need the Wii remote and the Nunchuk. Let me explain the basic things:
You move Mario with the Nunchuk, and you jump with A.
There are different ways to jump: the triple jump (press A three times each one when you touch the floor), the Bomb jump (A and then Z), the reverse Jump (Z and A) and the Length jump (Z and A while you are running). One difference with the other Mario games is that you can spin shacking the Wii remote. By doing this, you can defeat enemies, activate new things and even do longer jumps.
In this Mario 3D game, you will find many secrets, but what you have to do is to progress through the level to reach the Power Star in the end. There are Green pipes and Star Rings (second 3:35 in the upper video) that will allow to reach new phases. You must collect Star Bits and coins (they help to recover your HP). In the first level of each Galaxy there is a Comet Medal, that you must get if you want to pass the game 100%.
There are a lot of Stars in this game-242 exactly- but I will tell you about them, so this game is not a problem anymore.
There are also many enemies and Power-Ups. Don´t rush. We will analize all of them.
You may not be an excellent player, just like me. So don´t worry if you die. In fact there are 128 ways to die. I´ve experimented all the ways, I promise.
As in Super Mario Galaxy, you can find the headquarters. It is a spaceship that seems like a planets with Mario´s face. It uses the energy of Power Stars you get in the game to move through the different Galaxies. The boss of the spaceship is called Lubba ( Destrella in the Spanish version of the game).
In some Galaxies, Luigi can replace Mario if you want to play as the Green brother. There is a Cooperative mode (or Co-op) in which the second player controls an orange Luma. The only thing it does is defeating weak enemies and getting coins and Star Bits. That´s why all great games for one person are boring for two people. It happens in this game, it will happen in Super Mario Odyssey.
Don´t worry if you are in trouble and you can´t get a Star in a Galaxy: After you die a few times, the Cosmic Spirit will appear next to you. It is a black women, similar to Rosalina, the cosmic prtincess. She will ask you if you want help to get the Star. If you answer YES, she will possess you and take you to the Star. However what tou will get is a Bronze Star. You will have to try on your own, as I did, to get the Power Star.

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